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Your studies l����compulsory/optional subjects/courses l����curriculum l����extra-curricular activities l��� associations l����exam-oriented/exam centered l��� rote learning l��� force-feeding l��� exam machine l��� memorize/learn& by heart l��� heavy pressure from exams l��� do a good/bad job in the exam l��� fail l��� retake/resit a test/exam l��� marks/score �4�Z#' # # #  $#$((((((,#,$0000004#4 888888<#<#  # # #       $#$ ((((((,#,0000004#4888888<#<# # # �"��73�� �� �84�� ���3. Your job � l��� resume/CV l����HR department (human resources) l����find employment l��� employer/employee l��� be out of work/out of a job l����fire/hire l��� work overtime l��� overtime pay/double pay/triple pay l��� pain annual vacation l����sick leave l����maternity leave l����compassionate leave l����related to/have nothing to do with my major l����get on well/badly with my colleagues�� Z�� #  #  ##      $#$((((((,#, 0000004#4 888888<#<"# #  ##      $#$+((((((,#,$0000�95�� ��fl����working environment l��� company culture l����office politics l��� pays me well/gives me a decent salary/well-paid l����lots of opportunities for business travel l��� good promotion prospect l��� fair performance assessment l��� perks/benefits l��� bonus l����flexible working hours l����get to work l����leave work l����change my job l��� resign/quit �Tf�# # ##/      $#$*((((((,#,0000004#4888888<#<# # # #       $#$ ((((((,#, 000000�:6�� ���l����good job security l����stressful l����monotonous l����be in charge of l����my main responsibility � 4. Your home � l����downtown/suburban flat/house l��� on the second floor l����a duplex flat l��� decorate/decoration�^�# #  # #      $#$(((((((( ((((((((((,#,0000004#4888888<#< #�;7�� ���l��� wallpaper l����ornaments l��� coffee table l����sofa l����cushions l����LCD TV l����fish tank l��� electrical appliances l��� spacious l��� tiny l��� light l����get/doen t get the sun l��� stuffy l����depressing l��� airy l����cozy l��� study ���#  #  # #      $#$((((((,#,0000004#4 888888<#<# # ##      $#$((((((,#, 0000004#4888888<#<#�"�H�<8�� ���l����living-room l����bathroom l����dining-room l��� balcony l��� French window l��� bay window l��� curtain l� get a very good view of the city from the window/balcony l����get a very good bird s eye view of the city l����watch the sunrise/sunset l����houseplants l����vase filled with lilies l����wedding photo l��� family photo l����a landscape painting l����calligraphy ��~�#  # # #      $#$ ((((((,#, 0000004#4888888<#<=#, # # #      $#$ ((((((,#, 00004#4888888<#< �=:�� ���5. cooking � l��� economical/money saving l����healthier l����more hygienic l����heart-warming l����a lot of trouble l��� do the washing-up/do the dishes/wash the dishes l����do the cleaning up l��� wipe the table l����mop the floor l����do the cooking l����do the shopping l����learn cooking from my mum l����help my mum with the washing. l����serve the dishes onto the table l����cooking books l��� cooking schools l����a great cook/chef�.Z�n # #  # #       $#$((((((,#,/0000004#4888888<#<#  # ##      $#$((((((,#,0000004#4 888888<#<#�>;�� ��Jl����my mum s cooking l��� home-style dishes like KungPao chicken l��� it s real delicacy l��� cooking programs on TV l��� recipes l��� share meals with my family � 6. Shopping � l��� shopping malls/department stores l��� the chemist s/florist s/green grocer s l��� a bakery/stationery l��� a paper shop/gift shop/shoe shop/book shop l��� a supermarket l��� convenience store l��� 24 hours open l��� a discount store ���# # &##      $#$((((((,#,00000000 00000000004#4 888888<#<'# # +# #      $#$ ((((((,#,000000�"2l�?<�� ���l����24 hours open l����a discount store l��� boutiques l����a wide range of products l�� reliable quality l����better environment/service l��� shop assistants/sales clerks/sales girls l��� the checkout l��� receipt l��� pay by credit card l��� discount l��� hunt for discounts l��� holiday sales l��� 50% discount/off/half price l��� giveaway/freebee/freebie l��� window shopping l��� a great pastime ���Z#  # # #      $#$((((((,#,0000004#4(888888<#< # # ##      $#$ ((((((,#,0000004#4888888<#<#�@=�� ���l����a shopaholic l����shop till drop l����cost me 200 l��� bought lots of stuff l��� a rip-off l��� browse in an online shop l��� a shopping website l��� e-shopping ���##  # 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May I have your ID card, please? Now, in the first part, I d like to ask you some questions about yourself. Let s first talk about your hometown. What kind of city is your hometown? What s it famous for? What do you like about the city? What do you dislike about it? Ok. Let s move on to the topic of driving. Do/Can you drive? What age do you think is the best for getting a driving license? Do you think school should provide driving lessons for students? Now, let s talk about something else. Do you prefer writing by hand or writing using the computer? Do you think handwriting is still important today? How can children today improve their handwriting? �T�Er{,�'��H �` � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�;��8��+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ��� �h�.�( � �h��� �h � �0��7��������]  ���Y�l� ُ�R^\�NJ�)Y'`(� ��݋�^=\ϑ�6q ��{US ���aN�N � N�Sb�k̀���NfN N�beg�vfNb��0 one-word answer�^�MQ0�u�^��HQ�[��[�v�ZP�Q�V�^ �6qT�Q� N$N N�S݋0 ��[���e�S��Sb�e`O ��V:N�N�_{��c6R�Ջ�v�e�� �@b�N`O N(u�b�_ �Y�Y�,T NN*N�1\/f�N0�0P�2�P�2��/K����8X�H �h � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�;�����+D�='� �����=� @B� +�� � 0 *�"� �l��( � �l��� �l � �0��W7����������  �"���Part 2 (3-4 minutes) Describe someone you know who is good at cooking You should say: who this person is how you know him or her what kinds of food s/he cooks and explain how (you think) this person became so good at cooking. � �P�2G��H �l � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�;���+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ���p �p���( � �p�J� �p � �0�pa7���������JS ����vY�l� aSGr1u��[ ��b � N/f�u��] ��b0 (W�b0RaSGrT ��u gNR��`��QY�e��0 ��[O�~`O�~{\O{��0 ZP{���S�NǑ�S`O�U"k�v�NUO�e_0 �Y�gaSGr w N�a ��S�N���[ �FO��[�S�N N\OT{0 NR���~_gT ���[OJTɋ`O�S�N_�Y���N0 (W`O�݋�vǏ z-N ���[�S,T N�0 `O�[T ���[N,�O�c@w�N$N*NT�~� ��S��{US\OT{sS�S0 ,{�N�R�~_gT ���[\6e�VaSGr �{�TI�?z�~0�0P�2�P�2�� �����8X�H �p � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�;�0w+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ���` ���o�( � ���7� �� � �0���������jU�� ����7Part 3 (4-5 minutes) Subtopic 1: Chinese food and western food How does western food like KFC impact (on) traditional Chinese food? Do you think traditional Chinese food will be more popular in the future? In your view, how is western food different from Chinese food? Subtopic2: eating at home In your country, do family members often eat at home together? Do you think it important for people to eat at home? Subtopic3: food safety Is food safety a serious problem in your country? Do schools and universities provide healthy food for students in your country? ��@P�2�@2P�2v@2P�2�@2?�v��H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�;�0w+D�='� �����=� @B� +�!� � 0 8�0P �����( � ���� �� � �0��7��������U�� �0���Y�l� ُ�R�v�Ջ!j_�T,{N�R/fN7h�v �N�NT{0 ُ�R�v� N�Q/fsQ�N`O*N�N�v�`�Q�N ��8^/fN�N8^���v>yO݋��0 ُ�R^\�N����'`(� �@b�N��[�_�S��O�c@w`O�v݋,��_ N� �b��[`O�v‰�p�c�Q�Ss�0 ُ�R�v�/f1u,{�N�R�Q�[�v0�Y�g,{�N�R`O�c���v/fN��Lk ���HN,{ N�Rv���O�T�PN gsQ0 ُ�R N���'Y�[�Y\ � N�V�S݋_N1\Y�N �1\/f�c�Q��]�v‰�p �����N$N�S �1\�~_g�N0S_6q �`O��/f g݋� ���/fYY�v�U0 ُ�R�_Y Tf[��O�Q�s,T N�a��v�`�Q ��V:NUS͋���^�X�R�N �ُ�eP N��La �`O�S�N����[�~`O�ʑ �_N�S�N����[͑ YNM�� ��[(W NL��N �1\����[� NN*N�0 ُ�R��h��s�_}Y�p ��l gN�[�v���^P[/f N�S���v �mQR�N N�v Tf[�^Y�y/}�vsQ݋��͋Gl0�P@2K@21�� O����8X�H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�;�0w+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ���@ ���b�( � ���� �� � �0�$�7�������`��� ���N N Top FAQs about IELTS Speaking Exam �"( 2&�$�� �� � �0�($7�������/'P � �<��L1.Ŗ`�S틁��mQR ����Y\͋Glϑ� 2.�S��Ջ�v�eP �/f N/f��Y(u'Y͋� 3.����(W�S��Ջ-N�_͑��T� 4.�S틁��ؚR/f N/f����_��v�SP[� 5.�NHN/f�S�:g�~��[�[Y�͑��T� 6.(WY0W�RpeN�[O�k(WS�N�ؚT� 7.\O�e g!jg ��S틁��QY!jgT� 8.Y��e �̀T{Hh͑��T� 9.�SՋ��l,T�a`HN�R� ������ ����8X�f� �� � �0�<�7�������/� ,�  ���(10.�Ջ�e'} _`HN�R� 11.��[��/f��V�NT� 12.��[/f N/f���[�u�_ g��_� 13.��l�[Ŗ`�S�͑��T� 14.�VT{ N�wS� �OcbRT� 15. �Ջ�v�ePb�^�z�NHNc� g� 16. �Ջ�v�eP �b�^�(W�6 �����( � ���� �� � �0�$��������6� �6���5R �W@x4ls^ �S�RЏ(u�� �(W'YYpe�`�Q N�Sf}v'Y�va`0}�6q�~8^�Q�s�� �FO(W�~8^�m�S�v���W�Q�S�^�N�W,g�v�l�0 4R gP�4ls^ �SP�(W�q�`�v�r�Q N g�W,g�vt㉛R �(Wt�Nh��� N8^�Su� ��e�lO(u YBg��0 3R �g gP�4ls^ (W�g�q�`�v�`�Q N_N�S��ۏL�N,��v�l� ���A~�Su�l����x0 2R Rf[4ls^ d�^�(W�q�`�v틃X N ��QNN�S��O(ud[�zUS͋b�w�Sh���g�W,g�v�Oo` � N����b gHe�l�0���N,T�ab� w�a��0 1R N�a�� gY����Q*N+RUS͋ �9h,g�e�l(u�틟l�0 0R �u:-^ :ONċR�Onc0���x#    5 �l</%<�H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.@D�P+h�+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 �� �|��( � �|�Z� �| � �0���7�������� ����:��N ��V*NwQSO�vċR�Onc 1. 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Lots of children and teenagers are obsessed with computer games.. I m crazy about LV bags. I m huge fan of him. I absolutely adore you. I absolutely love Sichuan food. I m into Korean songs. I m so into you. Unlike most girls, I m not very much into shopping. I m not a big fan of photography. I dislike anything that s oily and spicy. Dancing is just not my thing. I really hate travelling by train. I can t stand the smell of it. ��+0x�0 x*##B######## ##*##4##!########### #�� @`�� � � � �<��@�������?��� � �D��0& is my biggest passion in life. Be obsessed with& Be addicted to& Be hooked on& I m crazy/mad about& I m a huge/great fan of& I absolutely adore& I absolutely love& I m into& I m not very much into& I m not a big fan of& I dislike& & is not my thing. I really hate& I can t stand& �� 0x�0 x###### ########## ###### #######�� @`��� � � � �<�p=�������?� Y� �v���O�S�.0xc� �� @`��� �� � �<�<_�������?�� � ���"͋b�w�S( cg�U"k-g N�U"k�cR)��0xc#c#c#�6�� @`��ZB � � s �*���1�� ?���Y�ZB � � s �*���1�� ?����Y��ZB �� s �*���1�� ?������ZB �� s �*���1�� ?��YY��ZB �� s �*���1�� ?����Y��ZB �� s �*���1�� ?��  ��H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.e~g ��Q�SWT �< c#� �� @`�� �� � �B�dz"�������?��� OY ���dIt s a marvelous way to release/relieve stress. It s a great stress reducer/stress killer. It s a great way to let off steam. It s a perfect way to wind down after a hard day at school/work. It helps me to wind down. It s a wonderful way to relax. It s a wonderful relaxation. It s really relaxing. �1  0##+#####A##########�� @`��� �� � �B�N�O 4. \P��v�eP �(uwell, eh, um, b� you know �`SMO0 5. (uN(u or whatever, and stuff like that, and something like that h�:y I{I{ 6. (W�S��(u N actually ,basically, obviously, unfortunately, I{oR͋0 7. Most of the time, & , but sometimes & ُ*N�~�g�_ g(u0 8. It depends, but generally & ُ*N�~�g_N�_�[(u0 9. It varies. If & ., I& , but if& , I& ُ*N�~�g_N �� �� � �6��F!��������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�� � � 0 �������p�( � ���,� �� � �0�(J!��������T� ����� play on the computer My job/work involves using the computer a lot. I type lots of stuff on the computer. I also use it for entertainment, like listening to music, watching films and playing games. I ve been using the computer since I was very young, probably 7 years old. I learned it myself. It s really a piece of cake for me. take apart the computer and reassemble it If something is wrong with my computer, I can get help from the Internet, you know, there are lots of websites providing professional help about how to fix all kinds of computer problems. If it s just a small problem, I can fix it myself, but it s something serious, I will get my cousin to fix it. He s a computer specialist. ����l�lC�l�l��l��lI�lJ�l�C���� �� � �6�H����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�� � � 0 �������x�( � ���4� �� � �0�����������M��  ����� I can use the computer quite well, but when it comes to fixing computer problems, I m totally hopeless. Too much game playing is of course a bad thing. It ruins/damages your eyesight, harms your health, and affects your work/life. However, if you can control yourself and don t overdo it, playing games could be really fun. Some computer games are educational and entertaining. Some are just entertaining, maybe, in a bit violent or erotic way, but they re great fun, no doubt about that. That s why so many people are crazy about playing computer games. All in all, playing computer games is no different from other forms of entertainment. If we don t do it too much, it would do us more good than harm. ��B�l/�lD�lD�lE�l�lG�l\�l�C���� �� � �6�X����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�U� � 0 l�d�����( � ��� � � �0�<������������� �X���21. the Internet the Web/the Net netizen/Internet users/Net surfers/cyberholic There s no Internet access in my dorm room. There s wireless Internet access in the caf�. Internet addiction/obsession be addicted to/be obsessed with the Internet Internet addiction is an increasingly common and serious problem among teenagers. information age enter/tap in your password and username website/webpage/home page visit a website/visitor It gets tons of hits every day. the best-liked website among young people email it to me check my email/answer an email�\8�l��l���l�WC�,( �� � � �6��O!��������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ������( � ���[� �� � �0�0�����������F� ����� junk mail download/upload transmit/transmission transfer attach/attachment server file package/compress BBS/forum/post blog update/upgrade I love to Google it. I did a search for it on the Internet. use the Net for searching for information cybercaf�/net bar net pal cyber crime/cyber friends/cyber romance/cyber dating e-books/e-shops hackers/viruses template database�&��ln�C���� �� � �6�p����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ�] � � 0 t �l ���� �( � ����� �� � �0�<������������� �`���6. Ŗ`�S�,{N�RؚR:y� b�N�Nfree time activities :N�O� What do you like to do in your free time? --Definitely sleep. You see, right now, I m working very hard to improve my English and I have so many things to do, so I just don t get enough sleep, and when I have time, I love to catch some z s or have a long sleep, which is the best relaxation for me. Anything else? --Yes, if I don t sleep, I love to play computer games. It s one of my favorite pastimes, and it s a marvelous stress reducer for me. And apart from computer games, I also play basketball. Do you prefer to go out or stay home in your free time? --Well, most of the time, I like to go out with my buddies to have some fun, playing basketball, or singing Karaoke, but sometimes, when I m really exhausted, I d prefer to stay home, be alone and relax by watching TV, surfing the Net, or having a good sleep. �@iX�:�,;�� �� � �6��U!��������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ������Z�( � ��� � � �0�d���������Y) ���Z㉐g�ؚRT{Hh�v;N��yr�_/f g��Y�vibU\�;N��/f�~T��]�v�[E��`�QۏL�N�N�{US�v�fb�ʑ0 ��]�v�[E��`�QS�b� `O�v'`+R `O/f�]\O؏/ff[u� `O/fOO!hu؏/fp���u� `O�v�]\O�eP�_�_ ��S�R/f&T�_'Y0 `O�v;N��1r}Y0 `O�v'` �����8X�� �� � �6������������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�� �� 0 ���`� ��~�( � ����� �� � �0�,�����������,u ���&2. Part Two 8^����v �� ����8X��| � �` �� �#"���� N �� `�� ��t �� � �<�H!������?�@ �` ����Place Cards: What the place looks like Its scenery/natural beauty Its facilities/activities Its services Its people Its history Its atmosphere Its foods My feeling about it. ����� @`�� �� � �<����������?� �@  �.���People Cards: What he/she looks like What is his/her personality like. His/her hobbies His/her past experience Or: his/her achievement His/her relationship with you My feeling about him/her Or: His/her influence on me. ����� @`��`B �� � �0����o�� ?�� �`��`B �� � �0����o�� ?�� `�`B �� � �0����o�� ?�� � �ZB �� s �*����1� ?��@ �@ �`B �� � �0����o�� ?��`�`�� �� � �B�������������� � � ���`!�� �� � �6����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?�� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +� �� 0 .�&p� ���( � ���� �� � �0�\ ����������,u �Q�� �����8X�1�� � �` ��# � �#"���� N �� `�� ��I �� � �<�L�������?�@ �` �����Event Cards: When and where it happened Why it happened What it was for How it went What was special about it My feeling about it. ��x�� @`��L �� � �<���������?� �@  �����Object Cards: Its appearance How I got it How much it was Its function What role it plays in your life My feeling about it. �&�r�� @`��`B �� � �0����o�� ?�� �`��`B �� � �0����o�� ?�� `�`B �� � �0����o�� ?�� � �ZB � � s �*����1� ?��@ �@ �`B � � � �0����o�� ?��`�`�� � � � �B��*������������ � � ���`!�� � � � �6�0-���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�. �� 0 E�=�� ����( � ���� �� � �0��4����������,u �Q�� �����8X�H�� � �` ��# � �#"���� N �� `�� ��W �� � �<��G�������?�@ �` �����Future Cards: When and where it will happen How you will do it Who you want to do it with Whether it will be easy or hard Why you want to do it. ����� @`��U �� � �<� J�������?� �@  �����Animal Cards: Its appearance Its habits Its habitats When and where you saw it Its relationship with you/mankind My feeling about it. �&�{�� @`��`B �� � �0����o�� ?�� �`��`B �� � �0����o�� ?�� `�`B �� � �0����o�� ?�� � �ZB � � s �*����1� ?��@ �@ �`B � � � �0����o�� ?��`�`�� � � � �B��V������������ � � ���`!�� � � � �6��Y���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ������( � ���T� �� � �0�8b����������,� ����F�N Nb��vh�����8X�� �� � �6�,����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�3 � � 0 J �B ������( � ���� �� � �0�l���������Z��� �6���I m a small/big eater. I m a veggie/vegetarian. I m not a very good singer. I m a heavy/light sleeper. I m a terrible cook. I m great at using the computer, but I m poor at fixing it. I m a beer/coffee/tea drinker. I m a heavy/light smoker. I m used to getting information from the Internet instead of the library. �S�W2�I do& ; I don t do& eg. I smoke. I don t smoke. I only drink a bit wine/beer. I don t drive very often. I never cook. I enjoy eating out. I really hate washing-up. I love going out with my friends and having a good time together. I don t watch TV a lot now. I just watch it occasionally when I have time. I want to study abroad, and I want to go to Australia. I play computer games a lot in my free time. I go shopping a lot in my free time. And I prefer going to large malls. �<A ����8X�� �� � �6� ����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�� � � 0 � �� ���p �( � ��, � � � �0�X���������Z��� �� ��8 �S�W3�sb/sth is& sb/sth isn t& sb/sth are& sb/sth are not& I have an older brother. He s half a year older than me. I have a younger sister. She s two years younger than me. He s married, with a two-year-old son/daughter. He s addicted to computer games. She s a couch potato/mouse potato. My father is a mahjong lover and my mum is fond of singing and dancing. My parents are very proud of me. She s the apple of her parents eye. Maybe it s because people today are too busy and tired, so they just don t want to move after work. They just want to relax by watching TV, seeing a film or surfing the Net. Young people today are not into traditional entertainments. They are more interested in electronic entertainments like PC games. It s an amazingly beautiful place. And it attracts millions of visitors every year. The river is seriously polluted, filled with all kinds of rubbish, and giving off a lousy smell in summer. The city is a great place to live because the environment is excellent, pace of life is not so fast, and it has a lot of cultural and recreational facilities. The restaurant is close to where I live, just a few minutes walk away. �b  h����8X�� � � �6������������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�� � � 0 � � �� �V �( � � �� �  � �0�����������Z��� ���(It s about this long/big/high. It s ten meters deep/long/wide. �S�W4�sb does& sb doesn t do& eg. My father works in a computer company as sales manager. My mother works in a hospital. She is a head nurse. He draws beautifully. She dances beautifully. In my family, my father does the cooking. My mum never does it. She hates it. She doesn t like to use the washing machine. She prefers to wash clothes by hand. She goes shopping whenever she has time. She has a car, but she doesn t drive much. Most of the time, she takes the bus or rides the bike. He looks like Jay Chou. My girlfriend doesn t like cooking so I have to do it sometimes. My mother doesn t want me be too far away from her, and I don t want to disappoint her, so I find a boy friend in my hometown. He runs a small company, and he loves me very much. My mother enjoys cooking and eating at home but my dad loves dining out. �XB 1����8X�� �  � �6������������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �  � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�� � � 0 � � p��* �( � ���� � � �0���!�������Z��� ������S�W5�sb have/I ve got& sb/sth has/has got& sb/sth have/has no& eg. I ve got a bike, but I don t use it much. We ve got a lot in common. Like, we share an interest in music and films. I ve got no time/money/no place to live. She s got two flats in Beijing. She lives in one and rents the other. The city has a population of about 20 million. �S�W6. There be& There are five rooms in the flat, a large living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. There is no subway in my hometown. There is not much rain in Beijing, but there s too much wind. There s too much traffic and too many people in Beijing. Young people prefer to live in a big city cos there are more job and busineess opportunities there, and also there are much more recreational and cultural facilities. There is a very good Sichuan restaurant on the 6th floor of the mall. ��4 �����8X�� � � �6�,�!��������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�� � � 0  ��`���( � ��L� � � �0����������Z��� �����S�W7�;N�+�``�R͋+�[a�R͋�Sb_(+vQYO�R) eg. I can drive. I ve got a driving license. I can swim, and I m a very good swimmer. From the top of the building, you can get an amazing bird s eye view of the whole city. If I can play the piano, I will have a unique way to relax and express my feelings. It can t be true. It may work but it s too expensive. If I had a lot of money, I would collect antique furniture of Ming Dynasty style. I won t give up no matter what happens. If I were you, I would divorce him. �S�W8�sb need to do& sb don t/doesn t need to do & If I want to start my own business, I first need to get the money. You know, if you want to be a great piano player, you need to do a lot of practice. It s very easy. You just need to pay someone to do it for you. ��������8X�� � � �6�X���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ�D � � 0 ��P�(�D�( � �(�� �( � �0���������Z��� ����Both my parents can cook. I don t need to do it myself. On weekends, I don t need to get up early. �S�W9�sb have/has to do& sb don t/doesn t have to do & eg. Do what you have to do, and then you can do what you want to do. My father has to work 6 days a week. My mother has to stay home to take care of my grandmother. Their parents are rich, so they don t have to work hard. To do the business, you have to have at least 500,000. �S�W10. It costs (how much money) to do& eg. You know, it costs a lot of money to buy a house in Beijing. These days, it costs a lot of money to get married. You know, it costs a lot of money to study abroad. It costs you nothing. It doesn t cost much. It cost me 200,000 to buy the car. The car cost me 200,000. �|f%����8X�� �( � �6�,�!��������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �( � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ��� � 0 @�8@�0���( � �0��� �0 � �0��2��������Z��� �,����S�W10. It takes& to do& eg. It takes about 30 minutes to cook it. It takes about half an house by bus. It won t take you long. It takes a lot of time and practice to be a professional singer. It takes a bit of talent if you want to become a very good instrumentalist. It takes a lot of hard work to succeed. It takes great patience to be good teacher for children with special needs. It takes courage to love. It takes good looks to be an actor/actress. It take a silver tongue to be a great public speaker. It takes work experience and good qualifications to be a CEO. It takes a lot to be a leader, and above all, it takes ability. It takes a lot to win, and above all, it takes good teamwork. I don t what it takes to be an actor. �,�����8X�� �0 � �6� @���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �0 � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ��� � 0  �0�8��( � �8�l� �8 � �0��D��������Z��� � ��2�s(WۏL��e�be doing Right now, I m doing an English course in Beijing to improve my English and get ready for my study abroad. I m staying in my friend s house at the moment. House prices are getting more and more expensive. It s getting more and more difficult for college graduates to find a job they like. �s(W(W�[b�e�have/has done& I haven t decided which country to go yet. I ve forgotten the name of it. He s gone abroad. I ve bought three flats so far. �S�W1�I haven done& for + N�k�e��=I have done& since +�e���p I have been in Beijing for over 3 months. I ve lived here for almost 7 years. We ve been friends since we were children. We ve been friends for many years.�.�$P�r.������8X�� �8 � �6�(�!��������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �8 � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ�M � � 0 d�\ �@���( � �@�� �@ � �0��b��������Z��� �P���I ve known him since the first year at university. I ve had the car for 10 years. I ve worked there since I graduated from university. My parents have been married for over 40 years, and they still love each other deeply. �S�W2: I haven t done& for + N�k�e�� I haven t seen for quite a while. We haven t seen him for a long time I haven t been to the cinema for ages. I haven t cooked at home for a long time. I haven t been there for weeks. �S�W3�I haven done& + peϑ I have watched the film many times. I have read half of the book. I have been to a lot of cities, and Dalian is definitely the one I like most. I often travel overseas on business, so I ve been to lots of countries. I ve been to that restaurant millions of times. �h�� ����8X�� �@ � �6��m���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �@ � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +� � � 0 z �r �P� �( � �P��� �P � �0��t��������Z��� �f����S�W4: It s + b_�[͋gؚ�~ + I ve ever done It s the most expensive hotel I ve ever stayed at. It s the best film I ve ever watched/seen. It s the worst restaurant I ve ever been to. It s the tallest building I ve ever visited. It s the best mobile phone I ve ever had. He s the most intelligent boy I ve ever known. He s the best boss I ve ever worked for. She s the prettiest girl I ve ever seen. It s the most expensive present I ve ever received. �s(W�[bۏL��e�I have been doing& Actually, I ve been learning English since I was in primary school, but still I cannot use English very well, which is real shame. I ve been living in this flat for almost one year and I love it. I ve been working in the company for too long, so I think it s time for a change. I ve been using the brand for many years. I ve been smoking since I was 10 years. I ve been driving for five years. �$j���6 ������8X�� �P � �6�h����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �P � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ�" � � 0 � �� �X�" �( � �X��� �X � �0� ���������Z�� �~���N,�Ǐ�S�e�;N�+�R͋Ǐ�S�e�+vQYO�R ��;N�+was/were+vQYO�R Nb��Q�k݋/f�� ��  N!k�eL� ���'Y�[ w wvQ-NǏ�S�e�vO(u0 One summer vacation in high school, I went on a trip to Xi an. It was one of the most memorable trips in my life. I went there with my parents. We took the train. It was a very long journey from my hometown to Xi an. It took us about 15 hours. As you may know, Xi an is a very famous historical and cultural city in China. It used to the capital of several ancient dynasties, so it s got numerous historical sites. We stayed in Xi an for 2 days, touring around the city, and also enjoying the local delicacies. Of all the places I visited there, the one that impressed me most is QinShiHuangLin. I don t know how to say the name in English. It s the grave of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, which is the first feudal dynasty in Chinese history, about 200 years ago. �.R'�r�t  L�����8X�� �X � �6�����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �X � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ��� � 0 ���\��( � �\�Z� �\ � �0���!�������Z��� ����f�l� �_Y Tf[(W�S��Ǐ�S�v�N�NKN�e ��_�_�_��O(u�R͋�vǏ�S�e �ُ N/fN*N N�wS��v� � �/fN*N`N�`�0b�v�^��/f��'Y�[~b�Q*N�c��Ǐ�S�N�N�vaSGr � �$NR�� ��b�[U_ Neg,T,T��]/f&T(W�(u�R͋Ǐ�S_�v�ePO(u�NǏ�S_0�~ck �Q!k1\}Y�N0 Ǐ�SۏL��e�was/were doing At that time, I was cooking in the kitchen, so I didn t hear the phone ring. When he called me, I was taking a shower, so I missed it. When my mum called me, I was waiting for a bus at the bus stop. I was listening to music, so I didn t hear him come in. Ǐ�S�T�[b�e�had done& When he was 3 years old, he had already been able to read and write hundreds of Chinese characters. When I got home, both my parents had gone to sleep. When I got to the airport, the plane had already left. Before that, I had learned the piano for just a few months. �6�y�$����8X�� �\ � �6�����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �\ � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ�� � � 0 ����`�R�( � �`�� �` � �0�����������Z��� ���yr�k�S�W�it was the first/second& time I had ever done sth It was the first time I had ever been on a plane, so I was really excited. That was the first time I had ever been to such an expensive restaurant. It was the first time I had ever travelled by ship. It was the first English book I had ever read. It was the most expensive present I had ever received. N,�\eg�e: (N �I will do Weather reports tell us what the weather will be like the next day. After graduation, I will come back to China. I really don t know what the world will be like 50 years from now, but I hope that it will become a better place to live. I will go there again when I have time. I ll have to think about again. I ll be out tomorrow. I ll call you back later. I ll do it for you tomorrow. �$g ��H-2�����8X�� �` � �6������������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �` � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 J�B��p���( � �p�� �p � �0�T���������Z��� �6��d(�N �I m going to do& You see, I m going to study abroad, so I ve got lots of work to do. ( N �I m doing sth I m playing tennis tomorrow afternoon. \egۏL��e�I ll be doing I ll be playing tennis tomorrow afternoon. I m very tired today. I m going to bed early. Please don t call me after 9, because I will be sleeping. \eg�[b�e�will have done By the time you come back, I ll probably have starved to death. I will graduate in July, so in September, I will have graduated. The movie starts at 7:30. It s 7:10 now, and it will take us 30 minutes to get to the Cinema, so when we get there, the film will have started. By the year 2015, I will probably have got married and had a baby. �6���Y�bY ,�j����8X�� �p � �6�D����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �p � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ� � � 0 �����t��( � �t��� �t � �0���!�������Z��� �v���4. �YUO�QY Part Two ,{Nek�'Y�[�_�wS�ُ�R����NHN7h�v���v. Ŗ`�S틘��vN,�(W 3-4*NgKN�Q�W,g3z�[ �@b�N'Y�[�S�}Y}Y�QY`O�S���$N*Ng�Ǐ�v���vsS�S0ُ�N���v'Y�[�NQ N1\��d0R. 3g Ŗ`Q ��e�_Ŗ`Q �-N�VŖ`Q �ُ N*NQ�z Nb������g0Rgя�v�Ջ���v0 0W�e{|aSGr� Describe a city you have visited or lived in. Describe a library you have used. Describe an important historical site you have visited and liked. Describe a park or garden you have visited. Describe the sea or a place with a lot of water that you have been to Describe a place that is polluted. Describe a restaurant you like. Describe a shopping place you like. Describe a modern building that impressed you. Describe a school you studied in. Describe a house/flat that you like (not your own) Describe a place from which you can learn sth about the past. �.�y5�|  /-����8X�� �t � �6��!��������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �t � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ�� � 0 v�n�����( � ����� �� � �0�� ��������Z��� �b��� �Nir{|aSGr� Describe a family member you spend most time with. Describe someone you know who is good cooking. Describe someone you lived with. Describe an old person you admire. Describe a famous person you admire (not from your own country)0 Describe a famous artist you admire. Describe an intelligent person you know. Describe a person who won a competition. �r i�* �{����8X�� �� � �6�����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ��� � 0 Z�R������( � ���� �� � �0��&��������Z��� �F����~�S{|aSGr� Describe a trip that didn t go as well as planned. Describe a time when you had to wait in a traffic jam. Describe a time when someone gave you important help. Describe an interesting lecture or speech you listened to. Describe an important conversation you had with someone. Describe a recent enjoyable visit you had. Describe a recent happy event. Describe one of your successful experiences. Describe a special meal you had. Describe a picnic or an outdoor meal you had. ���������8X�� �� � �6��0���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ��� � 0 �������v�( � ���2� �� � �0�P6��������Z��� ����XirSO{|aSGr� Describe sth you would like to buy in the future. Describe a car or vehicle you would like to buy. Describe a book you have read and would like to read again. Describe your favorite book in your childhood. Describe a film you like. Describe something you made by yourself. Describe an antique or other old thing that your family has kept for a long time. Describe a special gift you have received/sent. Describe a song or a piece of music that you liked in your childhood. Describe a work of art you have seen that impressed you. �-%�$ ����8X�� �� � �6�(H���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ������F�( � ���� �� � �0��N��������Z��r �����]\O{|aSGr� Describe a job that you think you would be good at. Describe your ideal job. �zt^{|aSGr� Describe a happy event in your childhood. Describe a toy you liked in your childhood. Describe a story about a famous person that you heard in your childhood. Describe an activity or game that you enjoyed doing in your childhood. �ZSO{|aSGr� Describe a magazine or newspaper you like to read. Describe a TV program you love to watch and talk about with your family and friend. Describe a TV program you have watched but didn t like. Describe an interesting article from a magazine or newspaper. Describe a website you often use. �JpM �!�@O� ����8X�� �� � �6�P\���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�F� � 0 ��p���F�( � ���� �� � �0�D�!��������� ����^JT{|aSGr� Describe an interesting advertisement you have ever seen. Describe an advertisement that caused you want to buy a product in the future. -�ir{|aSGr� Describe something you bought bud didn t use. Describe an electronic equipment or device you would like to buy. Џ�R{|aSGr� Describe your favorite sport. Describe an exciting sport that you have ever watched or participated in. Ye��{|aSGr� Describe a skill you want to learn. Describe a skill you have learned. Describe a course you would like to take if you have time. Describe a subject you like/liked. Describe a science lesson you learned and liked. �\^�si��R�si�����8X�� �� � �6�0f���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ��� � 0 $�`����( � ���p� �� � �0� ���������Z��� ���N�]\O{|aSGr� Describe a job that you think you would be good at. Describe your ideal job. �zt^{|aSGr� Describe a happy event in your childhood. Describe a toy you liked in your childhood. Describe a story about a famous person that you heard in your childhood. �ZSO{|aSGr� Describe a magazine or newspaper you like to read. Describe a TV program you love to watch and talk about with your family and friend. Describe a TV program you have watched but didn t like. Describe an interesting article from a magazine or newspaper. Describe a website you often use. �J(M �!�>O� ����8X�� �� � �6������������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ��� � 0 ��P����( � ���L� �� � �0����������Z��� ������NAm/�l�{|���v� Describe a piece of good news you received by phone. Describe an exciting message you received on your phone. eP�^{|/`N�`{|aSGr� Describe a meaningful walk you took with someone. Describe something you do that is good for your health. O�{|aSGr� Describe a leisure activity that you don t do now but would like to do in the future. \eg��R{|aSGr� Describe an important plan you have made for the future. Describe a city in a foreign country where you want to work or live in the future. �SS{|aSGr� �\� o lX � �volW �����8X�� �� � �6�L����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ�p� � 0 ���@���p�( � ���,� �� � �0���!�������Z�� ������Nu�SS{|aSGr� Describe a change you would like make to your life. Describe an important change in your life. Describe an important stage of your life. )Yl/lP{|aSGr� Describe your favorite type of weather/climate. Describe your favorite season or month of the year. �W^{|aSGr� Describe a city or town you have visited or live in. Describe a part of your hometown that you like. �^]y;m�R{|aSGr� Describe a party you would like to hold for your family or friends. Describe a public event in your hometown. �R� � gg q�b �gg p����8X�� �� � �6������������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ� � � 0 $�0����( � ���p� �� � �0�����������Z��� ���"5. �YUO)R(uNR���QY�e��� :_�p�^��'Y�[)R(u}YُNR���v�e��ۏL��_��g` �v^(W?z�~ N�Q NsQ.�͋ �ُN �eb�/f����[ɉ�_`O�NHQ*g�~�QY � �/f��2�  �_�� �sa� �_N1\/f�g`�v�eP�`�_ }Y}Y�v ��v�eP�_���N �:N�NHNO�_bT ��V:N`O�v�eP/f�� w@w��[�v � NMQ g�N'} _ �N'} _1\�NHN_N�` Nw�eg�N0 @b�N'Y�[(Ws^�e�~`N�v�eP �_N�� cgqُ�y�e_ۏL� �1\/f�QPsQ.�͋ۏL��g�g � T�e cgqaSGr N�v�c:yz��^N*NN*N�_ N�c��sS�S ��l g�_��4N�e͑�e�~�~z��^0 �N �ُ�V�~��[N�ypSa��`O�[(W4N:W�S%c �ُ_N/f��[@b ^g w0R�v0 6. �YUO��b�v�c���f�R g�^� 'Y�[�wS� �(WPart Two, 'Y�[����r��1-2R�� �`7hMb������[�_�[f1\���wS� `O�kNek�����`��NHNbT�b*N�N�v�^��/f'Y�[P(uN�N�~�g'`�v�SP[� (W_4Y �_���q\�I d like to talk about& �VT{,{N*N��To begin with, I ll talk about & (where it is) �VT{,{�N*N��Then as to& (what it looks like) �VT{,{ N*N��Now let s look at (what it sells) �.���� =0"#����8X�� �� � �6������������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�~� � 0 ��� ���~�( � ���:� �� � �0�����������Z�� �����VT{gTN*N��And finally I d like to explain to you (why I like the place). �_Y���v���S�N(uُ�N�SP[ۏL��g�g0 S_6q�N �'Y�[_N N��*Y:g�h�N � g�v���v�[hQ�S�N�N`O��]�U"k�v�e_ۏL��g�g � sQ.�/f��(u�v�6q0 7. Part Two ���'Y�[yr+R�la�v�Q*N0W�e� ,{N�'Y�[ w0R�QYǏ�v���vN�[ N���Ub_�Nr�0 ,{�N�`��v�eP�S�N N w��[ �FO(W�c���v�eP �N�[�� w@w��[�0 ,{ N��la�e`0 ,{�V��c���N�v�eP ��lahe/she. ,{�N��~_g�v�eP � N��� �that s all. �Y�g`O/f(W�l݋�N ��S�NO(u Nb�ُ�S݋� Well, I m afraid that s all I can think of to say now, thank you. �$����b @C ] !D����8X�� �� � �6������������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ��� � 0 �����( � ���b� �� � �0�� ��������Z��� ���&8. Part Two �~xQaSGr㉐g: b ^g'Y�[(WُN��̑b� ���Yf[0RN�N g(u�v�� �v^f[O�YUO(u��`�~ � N �^��Sb�Q{k̀f��e �FO�S�N��]Ջ@w(u��]�v݋ Y����e0 0W�e{|aSGr� Describe a city you have visited or lived in. Describe a library you have used. Describe an important historical site you have visited and liked. Describe a park or garden you have visited. Describe the sea or a place with a lot of water that you have been to Describe a place that is polluted. Describe a restaurant you like. Describe a shopping place you like. Describe a modern building that impressed you. Describe a school you studied in. Describe a house/flat that you like (not your own) Describe a place from which you can learn sth about the past. �6�B6�l + ����8X�� �� � �6�L���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ�" � � 0 � �� ���" �( � ����� �� � �0�`��������Z��@ �~���~xQaSGr㉐g1� Describe a shopping place you like. (such as a supermarket or shopping mall). You should say: where it is what it looks like how often you go there and explain why you like it so much. I d like to talk about a shopping mall in my home city of Xi an �which is in the downtown pedestrian zone, and it s not far from where I live, just about ten minutes bus ride away, so it s really convenient for me to go there. The mall is huge, you know, with 10 floors, and it looks really modern with shiny glass curtain walls. The inside is also amazing. It s spotlessly clean and elegantly decorated. So it s absolutely an enjoyment to be there. I go the mall quite a lot, about once or twice a month, sometimes alone, and sometimes with the company of my best friend. ���Fp� �@   �$)["�4�����8X�� �� � �6�����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ�� � � 0  �� ���� �( � ���R � �� � �0�k lift/elevator 5u�h escalator ꁨRvb�h the stairs |i�h classy/posh ؚch�v luxury goods bY�O�T perfume and cosmetics ��4l�TS�Y�T sales yr�N�O� giveaways `��T food court �ߘW� boutiques �|�T gň�^ accessories M�p� florist s ���^ ice cream store �Q�m�m�^ bakery b�S�^ snack bar \T� exquisite �|��v gorgeous yr+Ro�N�v stylish �e\�v shopping cart -�irf� cinema q_b� beauty salon /hair salon ��[��S�^ cosmetics/jewelry section S�Y�T/��p�N�g�.�n�pn ���+M                       ����8X�� �� � �6�le���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�` � � 0 � �� ����` �( � ��� � �� � �0�l���������Z��� � ��� �~xQaSGr㉐g2� Describe a city or town you ever visited or lived in. You should say: Which city it is What is the main feature of the city What you like about it What you dislike about it. I d like to talk about ChengDu, which is the capital of SiChuan province in southwestern China. I ve been to the city for a couple of times on summer vacation or at spring festival to visit my uncle. He went to the city after graduation from university and has been living there since then. ChengDu is probably one of the best known metropolises in China, just like ShangHai and ShenZhen, but it s got its own unique charm. Shanghai is a financial center, ShenZhen is a commercial and industrial center, but Chengdu is more known as a leisure and tourism capital. In China, when people talk about Chengdu, what first comes into mind is usually its gorgeous scenery, wonderful delicacies and beautiful girls. And also, the local lifestyle is envied by most people in China. The living cost in Chengdu is not very high and the pace of life is not so fast. It seems that people there don t care so much about making money. For them, enjoying life is much more important. Maybe, that s why they spend a lot of their time playing mahjong or enjoying delicacies. �&� �&����DES����8X�� �� � �6�D����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ��� � 0 :�2�����( � ��� � � � �0�@���������Zq�K �& ��z As to what I dislike about the city, well, um, it s really difficult for me to think of anything to say, cos I really love the city. Maybe, the only thing about the city that needs improving is the roads. They re not very well designed and a lot of them are quite old and need upgrading. Extra Bonus: metroplise 'Y��^ a cosmopolitan city �VE�S'Y��^ commercial/industrial/financial/economic/educational/cultural/leisure center FUN �]N ё�� �~Nm Ye�� �eS O� -N�_ a shopping paradise -�ir)YX shopping mall -�ir-N�_ vibrant EQ�n;m�R�v exciting and colorful nightlife 0N�[Yi_�vYu;m a medium-sized city -NI{�W^ a famous historical and cultural center �S�S�eS T�W historical sites �S�S�S�� see the sights ‰IQ museum ZSir�� art gallery z�/g�� cathedral 'YYeX heavy traffic f�Y traffic congestion 5Xf� pleasant climate �[�N�vlP boiling hot yr�p freezing cold yr�Q annual precipitation t^M�4lϑ business and employment opportunities RN�T1\N:gO living cost u;mb,g pace of life u;m��OY skyscraper id)Y'Y|i prosperous A~c��v a booming coastal city N*N�_��SU\�vwm�n�W^ stressful �S�R'Y one of the most expensive cities in the world NLu NE\OOb,ggؚ�v�W^KNN One of the most hospitable cities in the world NLu Ng�T�NE\�v�W^KNN �<>" ��6i� UF  " )    ' 01����8X�� � � �6������������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ�� � � 0 6 �. ���� �( � ���� � � �0�,��������Z��  �"����~xQaSGr㉐g3� Describe a TV or radio program that you like to talk about with your family or friends. You should say: What the program is about / what the program is� How often you watch or listen to this program What type of people enjoy this program And explain what you like (or dislike) about this program. Well, I d like to talk about a very popular talent show on CCTV3. It s called Star Avenue. And it s something like American Idol and Britain s Got Talent. The show airs twice a week The first time is on Wednesday night and the repeat is on Saturday night. So I m able to watch it every time and I hardly ever miss it. It s a talent show, so it s all about the competition between contestants in the auditions and the other four levels of competitions, the weekly, monthly, quarterly, and the annual final. And the winners of each level advances/gets into the next level, and annual champion will be recommended to perform on CCTV Spring Festival gala. �&�bi�,�����8X�� � � �6�����������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ�� � � 0  � ��� �( � ��X � � � �0���������Z��� �� ��� As to what type of people watch the show, as I know, it attracts people of all ages. Just like in my family, my parents and I are all loyal viewers of the show. And we usually watch it together. And we clap and cheer for a good performance just as the live audience in the TV studio. And we like to have a bet on who will be the winner each time. And the one who loses the best has to do the washing up. I love the TV show for a variety of reasons. But the most important reason I think is that the show is ordinary people like me to demonstrate their talent in front of a nationwide TV audience. In the past, we didn t have anything like that. Only famous professional performers had the chance to give performances on TV. But now everybody can do that as long as they have what it take, courage and talent. And I m really happy about that. If I was a good singer or something, I would also like to take part in it. But unfortunately, I don t have any special talent. Extra bonus: TV host/presenter ;Nc�N audience participation ‰O�SN Interaction between the host and live audience ;Nc�N�T�S�W‰O�v�N�R call in/phone in Sb5u݋ۏ�S current affairs �e�N TV serials 5uƉޏ�~gR episode Ɩ quiz show �T{�zs{|���v game show 8nb{|���v�.�� ���2     ����8X�� � � �6��'���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�{� � 0 ����� �"�( � � �� � �  � �0��b��������Z��6 �~ ��x talk/chat show 1��S�y reality show w�N�y documentary �~U_Gr variety show �~z�{|���v circus performance l�b�Vh�o acrobatics Bg�b cross talk �v�X stand-up comedy US�S\�T concert �PNO magic T�/g opera b�f cartoon/animation aS� TV drama about history, civil war and anti-Japanese war sQ�N�S�S ��Qb�T�bb5uƉgR Informative �c�O'Yϑ�Oo`�v entertaining 1ZPN�v educational gYe��aIN�v relaxing ���N>e~g�v have/get a good laugh =\�`�v{ advertisement/commercial ^JT commercial time/break ^JT�e�� time-killer �m�x�e���vN� TV brings the whole world into our home. TV allows us to know, at home, what has happened, what is happening and what will happen in the whole world. couch potato/channel surfer/TV addict 5uƉ�� switch on/off TV _sQ5uƉ remote control e��chV Too much TV makes one lazy. TV takes away the time that should be spent doing exercise and communicating with family. TV kills conversation. TV is a passive entertainment. Watch TV too much spoils one s vision, and also causes a decline in general health. You may get near-sighted and obese due to heavy TV viewing. So, we should really cut the time we spend on TV and do more outdoor activities. �==��      :    � �����8X�� �  � �6�tG���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �  � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�F � � 0 � � �� �F �( � � � � �  � �0�h�!�������Z��� � ����~xQaSGr㉐g4� Describe an important historic site (in your country) that you visited. You should say: ������������������������� where it was ������������������������� what you saw at this site (or, what it looked like) ������������������������� when it was built / what role it played in history ������������������������� how you first learned about this place and explain what interested you most about that place. I d like to talk about the well-known museum of terracotta warriors and horses, which I visited on a summer vocation with my parents. It s a very famous place, not only in China, but also in the world, so I guess you probably know it. It s in Xi an, Shan xi province. As you may know, Xi an used to be the capital of several ancient dynasties so it s got numerous/countless/lots of important historical sites. The terracotta warriors and horses museum is just one of them. What I saw there? Um, of course it s mainly the pottery soldiers and horses. There re three pits. The first pit is the largest and the most splendid. And around the pits are wide walkways for viewers. And you can take photos there, but you mustn t �JuS�]�6������8X�� �  � �6�l�!��������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �  � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ�2 � � 0 � � ��$�2 �( � �$��� �$ � �0��i��������Z��r �����use the flash cos it may have a damaging effect on those centuries-old relics. When it was built? Well, it was built over 2,000 years ago by the first emperor of Qin dynasty.It was actually part of his huge tomb. He built this massive underground army to protect his tomb. Maybe, he wished to live an emperor in an underground palace, just like when he was alive. I learned about this place a long time before I went there. I first got to know it from a history book in primary school, in which it was described as the world s 8th wonder. What impressed me most about the place was of course, you know, thousands of pottery soldiers and horses. They re absolutely amazing works of art. It s really hard to imagine how they made them so well over 2,000 years ago when they didn t have the help of modern technology and equipment. It s just incredible. And I was really impressed. So, I took lots of photos and bought a book about it, as well as a small replica of a terracotta soldier as a souvenir. �H�"q  -�"�����8X�� �$ � �6�q���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �$ � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ� � � 0  � ��(� �( � �(�l� �( � �0�О��������Z��� � ��\�~xQaSGr㉐g5� Describe a film you (recently) enjoyed watching. (Either at home or in a cinema). You should say: what type of film it was where you watched this film what the film was about (why you chose to watch this film) And explain why you enjoyed this film. Well, actually I love films and I ve seen lots of great films, like Titanic and Forrest Gump, but now I d like to talk about a film I watched about 2 years ago. It s called the Pursuit of Happiness. I guess you have probably watched it, cos it was a smash hit in 2006 and 7. I saw the film in the cinema alone and before that I had watched its trailer onthe Internet, which was really good, so I decided to watch it in the cinema. The film is based on a true story of an African American financial investor. WillSmith plays him in the film, with the name of Chris. At first, he is a real loser,working as a salesman, selling a kind of a medical machine, but it just doesn t ��\S�Z�r� �����8X�� �( � �6������������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �( � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ���,� �( � �,�b � �, � �0�x���������Z�� � ��� sell. Nobody wants to buy it cos it s expensive and impractical. And as a result, he goes broke, and then his wife leaves him, and then he loses his house, bank account, and credit cards, everything. He became homeless and had to live out in the streets with his son. But all the difficulties don t break the man. Instead, they make him stronger and even more eager and determined to make it. He became an intern in an investment company and eventually got hired by the company. I really enjoyed the film very much, first because Will Smith does a fantastic/superb/excellent/brilliant job in the film. He s really an amazing actor. You know, he s known/famous for his action films, but in this film, he plays a father and husband in a real life situation and he plays it so well/beautifully. It s definitely something remarkable. Another reason I enjoyed the film is because of the touching story. I m not thekind of person who likes to cry, but at many moments in the film, I was on the verge of tears, and I just couldn t help it. And I can still remember the scene where Chris and his son had nowhere to go one night, and had to stay in a public toilet/restroom of a subway station, and Chris locked the door from inside, and a guy wanted to use the toilet, but couldn t open the door, so he kicked the door again and again. At that moment, Chris cried, and I cried too. ��cU � /  X$� �} ��,n�����8X�� �, � �6�Ĵ���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �, � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.�G���ֆ� � � 0 $ � ��4� �( � �4�p � �4 � �0���������Z�� � ��@Extra bonus: star-studded Of�NƖ�v co-star T���;No box-office hy?b global premiere hQt�� f_ trailer ��JTGr shoot/shot �bDd location Yof0W theme song ;N��Lk leading role ;No supporting role M�҉ cameo role �S�`�[2N car chase scenes ��f�b Oscar Award for best actor/actress/music/screenplay/costumes/foreign language film nominate/nomination �c T Hollywood blockbuster }Y��^W'YGr small-budget film \6R\O5uq_ action film �R\OGr kung fu films �R+YGr romance 1r�`Gr animation �R;uGr war film b�NGr comedy/tragedy �U/�`gR acting o�b play o��g*N҉r� � character �gR-N ��Nir a tear-jerker �P�N�l N�v5uq_ receive good reviews from film critics ���_q_ċ�[}Yċ A-list actor/actress N�~oXT one of the most expensive actors in China -N�VGrl�gؚ�voXTKNN I m a huge fan of him. b/f�N�v��Fgq_��0 touching ���Na�R�v hilarious ��d{�v entertaining 1ZPN�v stunning ��d�v���v�`�N�v � ! �v       h     " )+     ����8X�� �4 � �6�|���������x(<� ���D�{tD��n'T�www.glzy8.com � ��c�Owmϑ�{tD��eMQ9� N}���# 2#C� �H �4 � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�n� � 0 ��� �D�n�( � �D�*� �D � �0��%��������Z��� �����N. Ŗ`�S�,{ N�R 1. �i�� Ŗ`�S��Ջ,{ N�R/fte*N�Ջ�vؚno�R ��u�vg�~�_R/fؚ/fNO;N���S�Q�N`O(WُN�R�vh��s05.5Rb5.5R�N N�v�u �(W,{ N�R/f^�8^�V���v ��8^��[�v݋�k�u؏Y ��V:N�N�� N�e�ʑ�uMb��,T�a � �N�� N�e��[ ��uMb���P$cYr��Bl�����8X�H �H � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ����X�(�( � �X��� �X � �0��F��������Z��  ���� ��HN ���[(W,{ N�R1\�S��O�T`O�����N N�v�� b T�v)R _ 2. b T�v��_ 3. Ǐ�S�v T�N�T�s(W�v T�N�v N T 4.ff�v#��N 5. `O�[vP�P]�b�v w�l�$\vQ/fR�\t^ �0 �`�` ��Y�g`O(W,{�N�R�vaSGr/f� Describe a place you know where the public may go to listen to music You should say: where this place it what kind of people go there what kind of music you can listen to there and explain how you feel about this place. ��HN`O(W,{ N��S�����0R�NHN7h�v�bT��&g�oD�d!&�����8X�H �X � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�]� � 0 t�l��\��( � �\��� �\ � �0�"�������Z��� �l���4. ��[(W,{ N�R�YUO�c� �NwQSO�cv�e_ ��k*N��[�S���cv�e_ g@b N T ��k�z TN*N��S�N gY�y N T�vh����e_��Y How does A differ from B? =How is A different from B? =What is the difference between A and B? FO/f �(W,{ N�R�8^/f��`Oh�����]�v‰�p �@b�Ng8^���v�ce_1\/f� Do you think& .? b� What do you think about& ? Why do you think some people& ? Could you give me an example? How are young people and old people different in their attitudes to& ? What do you think we can do to& ? How do you think& will change in the future? I{I{0�F�1`$ �P>`#�����8X�H �\ � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ���p�`�t�( � �`�<� �` � �0����������Z��  �����5. ,{ N�R�Y\T�� �R��[�U"k���uY� �ُ7h�N1\�S�N\N�0ُ7hZP�vMR�c/f�u�v�S����R�k��:_ �FOُ�y�`�Qv^ NY��0�8^��[(W,{ N�Rv��k��Y ��S����0RAS*N�]�S �ُN�eb�/f�V:N�u�vT{Hh�k���w ���[��� N�e�c:y�u�N N T�eb��[T{HhۏL�ibEQ ��Y��[�S��O�S`O>N*N�OP[��f`O�v‰�p �b��~�Q�S�V0�NwQSO�^��Y\ ���1\�_ w`O���0R\�N ���[ w`O� N N�S�N ��8^Obc*N���v �b�_�[`O�_ N�0 6. ��[(Wُ�R;N���[~b�NHN� ��HQ ���[gg`O��Y�T�NۏL��NAm � N ^g w0R��e���v\P� �@b�N�u�S�N�`0R�NHN1\HQ��Qeg � N��I{�`}Y�N�Q� ��8^�v��l/f���`���0`O N���b�_��]�v‰�p�_|^z �ُ NOq_�TRpe ���[;N�� w`O��&Th�����]�v‰�p0 vQ!k ���[gg`O�v�VT{ Nэ�� �ُ���'Y�[��w,T� ��Y�g�l,T�a ��S�N�Ǐ�N N�e_����[.^�R`O���|4@M %'+�$������8X�H �` � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ���`�d���( � �d�T� �d � �0� ���������Z�� �����Sorry, could you say it again please? I didn t quite catch it. Excuse me, what do you mean by  computer-literacy ? Sorry, what does the last word mean? Well, could you put the question another way? �Y�g �`O�`T��[nx��`O/f&T,T�a�N� �`O�S�N�� So, you want me to& ? gT ���[.^`OKNT �+R�_�N(W�VT{MRh�:ya"�� Oh, I see/I see what you mean. Thanks. �Y�g ���[�ʑ�N`O؏�l,T�a �`O�S�N����[bc*N� �ُ;`�k�NHN�� N�:_� Sorry, I really have no idea what to say. Could you give me anther question? b��Sorry, I really don t understand the question. Could you ask me another one?�p��) ��P�)%MM����8X�H �d � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ��P�x�T�( � �x�� �x � �0����������Z���  ���p7. b勂YUO�S�QY,{ N�R� vQ�[g͑���v؏/f���SibEQ��]�v͋Glϑ ��]�Y��:N�es|KN�pV0�Y�g�e��'} ��S�Ǹ̀݋��͋Gl0 NǏNdk TI{͑���v؏/f���S w wgя8^��v݋�� ��N�S��]�NHQ g@b�QY � NSb�e�QYKN�N0 �Q� �'Y�[���b��]�U"k(u�vޏ͋�~�_�n�t�p�q �$\vQ/f�S󗁉�Q0 �k�Y�h����S�Vb�U"k(u�I think it s mainly because& . b� �I think the main reason is that& �R Tf[�vmainbmainly�S�_1\ N�Qnx ��[f�Tman/manly�m0 �Q�k�Y�h����g*N�Nir�v}YY�e �b�U"k(u�I think the beauty of living in the city is the convenient transport, shopping and entertainment facilities. ُ���'Y�[;`�~�Qegv^�b�[�N��(WNw� �v^�Q N�O�S �)Y)Y�~�QM� ��N�SZP0Rb:N,g��0�S gُ7h�Ջ�v�ePMb���_�Qeg0���'in6�|�   o8����8X�H �x � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ���@�|�l�( � �|�4� �| � �0�����������Z���  �����8. b`HN�S����]ibU\T{Hh� N*Nh�Q�vT{Hh�^S�b�`O�v‰�p+��nc+;`�~ b�N�YN\vQ;`�~b� topic sentence+supporting details+conclusion �{�y:N�TSC �QNN@b g�v����S�N(uُ*N�e_�SibU\0ُ*N�e_g͑���v�R/f ���~�Q/ec�v��nc ��8^S�bwQSO�v�OP[ ��S�VI{0 �s(Wb�N1\�N Nb��v T�N ُ*N݋��:N�O:N'Y�[ۏL���~�v�f0 Would you like to be famous? �f�ُ*N�>f6q���`Oh�����]�va?a �v^�~�Q�S�V0�8�#7X9�l.X����8X�H �| � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�� � � 0 ��0���V�( � ���� �� � �0�(��������Z��� ����:y�1� Well, I d like to be famous if I could. Everybody has a desire to be a star and I m no exception. The reason is simple. We all want to have a glamorous life like those celebrities. :y�2� Well, I wouldn t like to be famous. I m not so ambitious. I just want to have a job I like and a happy family. What s the advantage and disadvantage of being famous? �f�(W����gir�v)R _�e �g}Y(u NN�[�v�~�g����[�wS�`O�v`�0 :y�� Um. Obviously, the best thing of being famous is that you are able to become very rich and live a life you dream about, however, as everything is a double-edged sword, being famous also brings a lot of disadvantages. For example, you lose a lot of privacy. Whatever you do gets public attention. Most of the attention is annoying. And also, wherever you go, you may be followed by paparazzi. It s very difficult for you to go out with your family or friends like ordinary people. �@r�q_��b��&�����8X�H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�� � � 0 � � ���> �( � ��� � �� � �0����������Z��� ���pHow can people get famous these days? �f�ُ*N��vsQ.�͋/f  How , `O�S��fN�y�s�N�Nb T�v�e_1\�S�N�N0 :y��Well, as I know, the most common way for people to become famous is to join some famous contests, such as those talent shows on TV. If you become the champion, you become famous. Another way to become famous is to be an actor and actress. If you appear in a very successful film and you do a good job, you become famous immediately. In a word, it s very easy to become famous nowadays as long as you have your own stuff and you catch the chance to show it to other people. How did people become famous in the past? �f��N�s(W�0RǏ�S�e��[8^(uO�O �vQ�v�v�_f>f���&TcknxO(u�R͋Ǐ�S�e0@b�N8^���R͋�vǏ�S�e'Y�[N�[���q�`0 :y��how people became famous in the past? Um, I m not sure because I don t know much about that. I only know that when I was child, the most famous people were government leaders or national heroes like LeiFeng and some important scientists. They became famous through newspapers or textbooks. ���&+4o#w :-+:#�P'<�U����8X�H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�q � � 0 � �� ��� �( � ����� �� � �0�TM��������Z�� ����Do you think the famous should shoulder more responsibility for the society? �f�ُ*N� g�p���^ �FO؏/f g݋�S�v0��[ُHN�`O �>f6q T�N/f g>yO#��N�v ��V:N�N�N�vb T�y N_'Y�[�v/ec0S_6q`O_N�S�N g��]�v‰�p0 :y�1� Well, it s hard for me to say whether the famous should shoulder more responsibility for the society. Personally, I think the famous should have some social responsibility. The main reason is that their success comes from the support of their fans and their fans come from all walks of life, so in order to reward their fans, they should do something to give back to the society. :y�2� Well, I don t think so because I think the famous people achieve their success mainly through their own efforts. Therefore, I don t think we should force any responsibility on them. For example, I don t think we should require the famous people to donate a lot of money to charity. Whether to do that should depend on themselves. It s a matter of personal choice. ���MH%@3M@�  � �`NI~m����8X�H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +�� � � 0 � �� ���� �( � ���N � �� � �0��v��������Z��� �����What do you think about teenagers worshipping celebrities? �f�ُ*N��v,g(�/f��`Oh���ُ*N�sa�`O��:N/f}Y؏/f N}Y �v^�f�S�V0 :y�1. I think it s a good thing. If a teenager worships celebrities, it shows that he has a desire to be famous too. I don t think it s a bad thing to have a bit of ambition. It would be even better if they follow the example of their idol s success and work hard to realize their own dream. :y�2� Well, it s hard to say, I think. On one hand, it s just natural to idolize a star. Almost everybody has their own idols. On the other hand, it can be dangerous for a teenager to worship a star blindly. As I know, some teenagers admire a star simply because they are good-looking or fashionable. They imitate whatever their idol does. They copy their hairstyle or the way they dress or even their tattoos. I think it s too shallow. One more thing, some stars have very dirty private life. They do drugs or do some other illegal things. They are very bad influence on teenagers. ���;& H7(*�/ !(�F<'%B����8X�H �� � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�G���ֆ+D�='� �����=� @B� +rX@���Q��������F�a�D�= ���!&e�h�lF�������W��������d��)FUR(�m_5%.98Pf)�+�>R2��Z�\�^�` ce�l�n�psuw,y9{F}B������C��S�Щ1���Q�b��������=�� �'9-�7A\L9T ^�g@p�tLe�g.�iۓk0�m��oV�qm�s�u��w��y��|�� �� ����G�@�%�`#�10��:�sE� O�WX� /a�i�?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[����]^_`abc����efghijk��������������������������������t������������������������������������������������Root Entry����������d�O�����)�����Current User������������dSummaryInformation(����������PowerPoint Document(����j DocumentSummaryInformation8������������\������������������������������������